LIFE || Sometimes Life Gets In The Way

by Charl Pearce

Have you ever heard the saying that sometimes life just takes over? As a lifestyle blogger I feel as though everything life related I should be blogging about because that is of course what makes lifestyle bloggers relateable in that as readers you guys feel as though you have some sort of an insight into my life (the same goes with favourite lifestyle bloggers too). In short, we’re all nosey buggers and like to see what people get up to in their spare time and live vicariously through them as we scroll the blogs of the interwebs in bed sans le bra, an old faded tshirt (in my case a Saved by the Bell tshirt from Primarks mens department) and a bag of salt and vinegar twirls.

I have so much to blog, so many posts which I have started and trailed off on because I’ve closed the laptop in favour of making the most of the sunshine that has finally arrived.

You know when you go on holiday to somewhere absolutely beautiful or to a gig to see a band that you love and you spend the whole time watching through a lens, documenting the whole thing with your camera, finding the perfect angle or trying to get one good picture without someones hand obscuring the stage that you actually find yourself missing whats going on? That’s what I feel like. I used to be the one with hundreds of photographs from holidays and gigs to regale people through a collage of pictures.. what I realised was that I never look back on those pictures. They’re sat in Facebook albums, on memory cards in a drawer somewhere or printed off in those Boots 24 hour processing envelopes because you cannot wait to look at 697 pictures of sand, sea and boats.

I’ve felt like for the last two years I’ve documented my life constantly. Every bad date, every heartbreak, every pair of shoes, every lipstick I’ve been wearing… blogger problems. I just felt as though I needed a couple of weeks to get lost in life and not worry about giving myself a deadline to be entertaining. It’s not that I’ve lost my blogging mojo, I’ve just decided that sometimes you need to let life get in the way a little in order to have one of those, y’know, lives in order to write lifestyle blogs.

My emails have been left a little unloved, I absconded from Twitter for 2 whole days which prompted texts of concern in case I had infact died (thanks guys) and I feel like I’ve disappeared somewhat on the internet.

I wanted to share with you in a few pictures some of what I’ve been up to over the last couple of weeks. I have an iPhone full of photographs, a notebook with a list of blog post ideas, a WordPress bursting at the seams with drafts and pangs of bloggers guilt, so I’ll be back to my old self again pretty soon. Except my dates aren’t so bad anymore (part of the reason why my social calendar has been busy).

lifetakesover11, country themed World Cup food with Waitrose | 2, playing vet with a poorly Ted | 3, Budweiser and Nirvana nights


4,5,6, Wireless Festival


8, doing festivals the glam way with Staying Cool & Staybridge Suites


 9, neon, flower crown and bargain Primark dress | 10, Steak overload at Miller & Carter | 12, puppysitting with Uncle Ted


13, Rock of Ages at Regent Theatre | 14, babysitting cuddles with Harry mon | 15, Sunday escape to Blackpool

1 Comment

  1. Milly Youngman

    I posted something similar to this a while back – sometimes I feel so pressured to take blog photos and create content about everything I forget to like…actually enjoy doing them. Glad you’re still around though :)

    Also, HOORAY FOR GOOD DATES (“sorry, haven’t blogged because I’ve been having lots of sexytime fun” eh…)


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