Are You In A Toxic Friendship?

Are You In A Toxic Friendship?

When thinking about relationships, friendships are equally if not more important than our romantic relationships without all that between the sheets business.  They’re the people we confide pretty much everything in (yep, even the most embarrassing of stories) and...
Stop Asking When I’m Going To Have A Baby

Stop Asking When I’m Going To Have A Baby

“Don’t you think it’s about time, you started, y’know?” She makes a rounded stomach gesture with her hand and smiles excitedly, giving me the knowing eyes that I’ve been the receiver of on more than one occasion.  No, it’s not...
Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Theodore Roosevelt once said that comparison is the thief of joy.   We’re all guilty of comparing ourselves to other people at some point or another. Whether it be our friends, other bloggers, celebrities, a guys ex girlfriend. I’m sure there’s been...