LIFE || Why Living Alone Ain’t So Bad

LIFE || Why Living Alone Ain’t So Bad

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you’ll know that I live alone. I’m sure this conjures up images of Bridget Jones for most. “That poor, sad, single girl. Living alone with her dog with nothing to stare at but four walls and living on a...

Lets Talk About Jealousy

At some point in our lives we have all felt that burning and ridiculous feeling of the green eyed monster.  Whether its relationship jealously, career jealousy or jealously of another person in general – jealousy is a devil of a feeling that can pull you drive...

Do It

I have nothing but admiration for anybody who does something/anything to better their quality of life, broaden their horizons.. make something of themselves. There are too many people in this life who just accept the hand that they are given and assume that what they...
10 Life Lessons I Learnt from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

10 Life Lessons I Learnt from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

(I started to write this post a couple of months ago, before deciding it was far too dorky to ever see the light of day and saving it in drafts “just in case”.  There’s been a flurry of Buffy love on Twitter recently for some reason, so I decided to...