The “Unobtainable Men” Line Up

The “Unobtainable Men” Line Up

During a conversation with my GBFF (Gay Best Friend Forever), I came to the conclusion that perhaps my whinging about men is infact self inflicted.  I appear to be some kind of dating masochist and instead of hitting up all the eligible bachelors where there’s a...

Reasons Why Dates Suck

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I’d had a bit of a “bad experience” when it came to the last proper date that I went on (long story short is that he was an a-hole, apparently moved to Canada and got eaten by a bear).  Since then out of sheer...

The New Internet Dating?

Long gone are the days of eyes meeting across a crowded room, love letters left in library books and someone throwing pebbles at your window and its place is internet dating.  With sites like, E-Harmony & OKCupid becoming the new “set up”...


When we’re younger, we learn the difference between whats right or whats wrong based on two things – praise and punishment.  I’m learning this with Ted, a sharp “no!” or a tap on the nose to discourage puppy behaviour and lots of cooing,...

Love Online

Is it possible to fall in love online? The cyber bug, not being content with being my generations “thing” – has now become a worldwide way of life.  It seems like just as you have a love life, a work life, a social life and a spiritual life – the new “life” is the...