7 Base Products I Love

7 Base Products I Love

My makeup purchases usually tend to err on the side of base products.  I’m no good at a fancy eyeshadow look because blending just ain’t my bae, my lashes are non existent so mascara is not my main man (altho they’re getting better, post to follow)...
The Freedom Pro Artist Refillable Palette

The Freedom Pro Artist Refillable Palette

When I read about the release of the Freedom Pro Artist Refillable Palette, its safe to say that I couldn’t wait to spend hours on the internet uhming and ahing over my colour combinations and building my own personalised palette. There has always been an...
Soap & Glory Dr Spot | Breakout Emergency

Soap & Glory Dr Spot | Breakout Emergency

Soap and Glory Dr Spot Super Strength Breakout Clearing Gel = Miracleworker. I feel as though I can have no skin issues at all for weeks and then one day, usually after I’ve indulged a little too extravagantly in stodgy or sweet food washed with far too many...
Why Hair Essences Are The Next Big Thing

Why Hair Essences Are The Next Big Thing

There are many elements of Charlotte D’Alessio’s life that read like a teenager’s fairy tale. Instagram didn’t exist when I was in high school, but I imagine I’d be pretty fascinated by the beautiful, leggy 17-year-old with more than...
Library of Fragrance

Library of Fragrance

When it comes to perfume I’ve seen beauty bloggers time and time again struggle when it comes to describing what a scent smells like. You know that you like it or you know that you hate it, you just can’t quite put your finger on which “note”...