How to Spend 3 Days on Lake Maggiore

How to Spend 3 Days on Lake Maggiore

In September I headed to Golfo Gabella, a lake side resort on the east side of Lake Maggiore in the town of Maccagno.  The perfect location if you’re looking for a spot of relaxation and a few days spent slurping pasta, drinking Prosecco and taking in the...
High End Beauty Products I’ve Been Loving Lately

High End Beauty Products I’ve Been Loving Lately

I feel as though at every change of the season, I’m back writing about how my skin is going through the worst time.  It’s either breaking out, looks dull and lack lustre or is just making my life a living hell.  We all know how it is.  The products that...
Prague: Where to Stay and How to Get There

Prague: Where to Stay and How to Get There

Prague has been one of those must see cities on my travel bucket list for a while and ever since fellow blogger and Czech pal, Tereza, moved back home from Birmingham to the Czech Republic last year, we’ve been planning a visit to see her and the beautiful city...
5 Ways to Upgrade Your Bedroom For Winter

5 Ways to Upgrade Your Bedroom For Winter

I’ve been guilty in the past of treating my bedroom like a bit of a dumping ground. I’ve had up, until recently, what you’d call a floordrobe (and a chairdrobe, whoops).  A tidy bedroom = a tidy mind and as such I made it my mission to zen my bedroom...
Blood Brothers at the Regent Theatre, Stoke

Blood Brothers at the Regent Theatre, Stoke

There’s two kinds of people when it comes to Blood Brothers.  The ones who have never seen it and those who have seen it again and again and again.  I’m of the latter.   I’ve seen Blood Brothers twice before.  The first time I saw the show at the...